About 13th World Congress on Industrial Healthcare and Medical Tourism

On behalf of the organizing committee, we take this opportunity in extending a warm and cordial welcome to you to be a part of the 13th World Congress on Industrial Healthcare and Medical Tourism.

Health Congress 2018 conference is scheduled during October 15-16, 2018 in Dubai, UAE, which aims to gather the most elegant societies and industries along with the renowned and honorable persons from top universities across the globe.

The theme of the conference is based on “Recent Advancements and Technologies in Healthcare”. This conference will feature a global audience of scientific leaders, Healthcare professionals and academia and also from various disciplines.

Healthcare gives a premier interdisciplinary gathering for all the scientific experts, doctors from all the medicinal fields, Business analysts to convey the recent innovations, thoughts, ideas and applications in the healthcare.

For More Info visit event links:

Website of 13th World Congress on Industrial Healthcare and Medical Tourism Twitter handle of13th World Congress on Industrial Healthcare and Medical Tourism

Organized By


City of 13th World Congress on Industrial Healthcare and Medical Tourism
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Event Photos