About 2nd International Conference on Cardiology and Neurology
Citations International is organizing a 2nd International Conference on Neurology and Cardiology Conference 2018 to be held in Osaka from September 28-30, 2018. We are a not-for-profit medical society led by expert volunteers.
We unite Member National and International Cardiac Societies, Neurology Societies, Neuroscience, cardiovascular, Affiliated Cardiac and Neurology Societies, and distinguished Fellows of the Citations International and individual members from around the world.
This network allows us to reach out to the global Cardiology and Neurology community and keep our finger on the pulse of Neurocardiology. Diversity is our strength.
The main objective of this conference is to have a great insight and discussion about the topics related to Cardiology and Neurology and cardiologists/Neurologists are every now and again associated with organizing the care of patients with an assortment of conditions, the most widely recognized being stroke administration of conditions that have both heart and brain signs.
Interventional cardiology with its across the board constant administrations for intense myocardial dead tissue in the brain can fill the current holes in the scope of populace needs with neurons interventional administrations.