About 30th World Congress on Vaccines and Immunization

30th World Congress on Vaccines and Immunization is going to be held during October 22-23, 2018 in Osaka, Japan. The conference focuses on foremost topics such as Vaccines, Immunology, Bacterial Vaccines, HIV/AIDS Vaccines, Toxoid Vaccines, Childhood & Maternal Vaccines, Vaccines for Unconventional Diseases, Vaccine Industry, Protein Based Vaccines, Plant Derived Vaccines, Vaccine Safety & Efficacy, Geriatric Immunization, Immunizations & Bioterrorism, Vaccines & Immunizations.

Conference Series Ltd warmly invites all the participants to this conference. The former World Congress on Vaccines and Immunization concentrated on varied areas related to Vaccination and their wide applications which have drawn outstanding speakers which include esteemed researchers from elite International Universities and professionals from leading associations.

For More Info visit event links:

Website of 30th World Congress on Vaccines and Immunization Twitter handle of30th World Congress on Vaccines and Immunization

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City of 30th World Congress on Vaccines and Immunization
Osaka, Japan
Event Photos