About 3rd World Congress on Public Health & Nutrition
This international and interdisciplinary conference will act as a forum for public health professionals, nutritionists, epidemiologists, statisticians, clinicians, business professionals, foundation leaders, direct service providers, policymakers, researchers, academicians, advocates and others to discuss and exchange their knowledge and experience on recent public health-related concepts, encouraging the use of latest methods in studying large disease burden and highlighting existing opportunities in the field of public health, epidemiology and nutrition.
Public Health 2018 brings together professionals from every generation who share a commitment to reduce the global burden of diseases with the theme “Impediment to Exploration of Global Public Health Challenges in globalizing world” expecting more than 350 healthcare professionals, working in and beyond Public Health and Nutrition to share experiences and best practices through invited keynote, plenary lectures, symposia, workshops, invited sessions and posters covering a range of topics and important issues which affect us all from the research to the practical implementations.