About 7th National Summit on Data Analytics for Healthcare
Canada’s top event for data and analytics in healthcare!
This is the largest event delving into data and analytics in healthcare through a Canadian point of view. Acquire actionable insights from the top industry professionals.
Advance your analytic processes to improve patient outcomes
Drive meaningful improvement for your patients based on the experiences of healthcare leaders.
Seize the large amount of decision-making potential in your data to enhance quality of care
Forecast key trends, such as automation, to prepare you for the analytics future
Discover where you stand in the industry and identify new opportunities for your organization in the analytics age. Find out where the industry’s headed so you can be at the forefront.
Craft a plan to maximize your return on investment
Ensure that money is well spent with analytics programs that reduce costs. Ensure optimal performance throughout your organization.
Transform your organizational outlook by embracing a data-driven culture
A successful healthcare analytics approach requires complete organizational buy-in. Whatever your size, ensure an evidence-based organizational culture to maximize your patient care.