About IndSPNCON 2018
IndSPNCON 2018 organising committee is delighted to inform you that we have been conferred upon the opportunity to organise the 29th Annual Meeting of Indian Society for Paediatric Neurosurgery in Hyderabad from the 1st to 3rd February 2018.
This also is going to be a Joint meeting with Brazilian Society of Pediatric Neurosurgery – SBNPed
This conference will be academically and scientifically relishing, surgically elevating and socially fascinating. The theme of the conference “BASICS AND BEYOND” is for inspiring young minds to take up this field of neurosurgery and is in tune with present day Practicing paediatric neurosurgeons to expand their horizons.
The concept of this meeting is to cover various topics in Paediatric neurosurgery necessitated in our practice and the advances there off. To make this conference more interactive we will having voting pads for delegates. This will help the speaker in knowing one’s opinion and ideas and deliberate accordingly.