About International Conference on Nephrology and Urology in London
Allied academies invite all the participants around the world to be a part of the International Conference on Nephrology and Urology from August 30 – September 1, 2018, at London, United Kingdom. Nephrology Conference makes a phase for unique sessions on nephrology and renal care and moreover allows to explore the creative contemplations of associations, groups, and affiliations.
The topic of the meeting falls on “Investigating the current headway and new therapeutic methodologies in Nephrology and Urology”.
Nephrology 2018 incorporates Keynote presentations, guest lectures, Nephrology workshops, Nephrology symposiums, poster presentations, oral talks and exhibitions by prominent kidney medicinal services specialists, researchers and students from around the globe with remarkable contributed papers of both poster and oral introductions.
Nephrology conference has been intended to broadly investigate an assortment of logical and clinical parts of diabetes and kidney sickness all through the life expectancy, and all through the range of kidney disease.
The two-day international conference includes different topics to be conducted by the renowned speakers include:
Advances in Nephrology
Pediatric Nephrology
Chronic Kidney diseases
Glomerular Disorder
Serum Creatinine
Kidney Cancer(Renal Cancer)
Medullary Sponge Kidney
Kidney And Bladder stones
Urology/Urinary tract infections
Kidney and the Heart
Diabetic Nephrology
Causes of kidney disorder
Diagnosis of Kidney Diseases
Scintigraphy (nuclear medicine)
Stem Cells in Renal Disorder
Renal Nutrition
Clinical Nephrology
This meeting additionally energizes the dynamic interest of young students, sprouting researchers and upcoming scientists as we are facilitating Poster Award Competition and Young research Forum at the gathering scene. Allied academies is a pioneer and leading scientific event organizer since 1994. Allied Academies every year hosts interdisciplinary international conferences worldwide on cutting-edge basic and applied research in life sciences, Pharma, Medicine, Healthcare and Nursing delivered by the best talents in industry and academia