The Korean Society of Anesthesiologists (KSA)

The Korean Society of Anesthesiologists has achieved both qualitative and quantitative growth, with more than 60 years of tradition and more than 5,600 members. As you have seen in KoreAnesthesia 2018, our scientific conference has become truly international, with 250 foreign participants from 26 countries. Additionally, our scientific journal, the Korean Journal of Anesthesiology, has achieved a great feat by being recently indexed on Medline. I would like to express my gratitude to our predecessors, previous executive board members, and all members for their devotion and effort in leading our Society to where it is are today.

The field of anesthesiology that began in operating rooms has now progressed to playing pivotal roles in all areas of medical care, including pre- and post-operative care, acute chronic pain management, intensive care, surgical anesthesia and sedation, and hospice care. In particular, we are the foundation for the protection of patient safety, a social issue with growing importance. In order to substantially reduce anesthesia- or sedation-related accidents, we need to tackle problems such as insufficient insurance fees, deficiency in workforce and equipment, and unqualified personnel performing anesthesia or sedation. In addition to the academic development, our Society should also focus on political and social issues such as protecting the rights of its members, enhancing the status of the anesthesiology field, and ensuring national anesthetic safety. 82-2-792-5128

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