Mid Valley Exhibition Centre (MVEC)

Mid Valley Exhibition Centre (MVEC) began in mid 2001, and from the date of its inception we have hosted shows be it exhibitions, seminars, concerts, consumers fairs,etc. MVEC is proved to be a popular venue as it is strategically located within one of Malaysia’s most popular shopping mall, Mid Valley Megamall and is packed with thousands of visitors daily. In addition, its central location and good accessibility makes Mid Valley Megamall a destination of choice for locals and tourists.
MVEC has three exhibition halls, which can be combined, into a 60,000 square feet venue. It is designed to be pillar-less with generous ceiling height, minimal wall obstruction and wide entrances. MVEC comes with good exhibition support facilities, which include a floor trench system for running essential services to designated location safely. Additionally we have two press conferences/ VIP holding rooms, two purpose built cargo and two goods lifts to facilitate freight movement directly to our center. Each hall has its own management office, public addresses system, industrial wash area and other amenities.
mvec@midvalleycity.com (603) 2289 8688