About 11th Herbal and Naturopathic International Conference

The 11th Herbal and Naturopathic International Conference is organised and run by the NHAA. 2020 marks the 100 year anniversary of the association and has inspired the theme for the upcoming International Conference, Traditional Wisdom, Future Practice.

As the oldest professional association of naturopaths and herbalists in Australia, 2019 kicks off the NHAA’s 100 year celebrations! Celebrations are combined with our biennial Conference which attracts academic and inspirational, international and national speakers.

It guarantees cutting edge research and provides valuable networking opportunities – this 11th International Conference, more so than ever before, is THE event not to be missed!

For More Info visit event links:

Website of 11th Herbal and Naturopathic International Conference Twitter handle of11th Herbal and Naturopathic International Conference Facebook page of 11th Herbal and Naturopathic International Conference