About 6th International Congress of the Emirates Neurology Society
The scientific committee has compiled a rich and versatile program with plenty of educational opportunities in the growing and exciting field of neurology, addressing a wide variety of topics in various neurological dysfunctions. The topics of the congress presents newest update and management related to stroke, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, dementia, neuropathy, neuromuscular disorders, movement disorders and neurology emergencies. For each topic, challenging interactive cases presenting clinical scenarios from real practices will be discussed with thought-provoking issues facing clinicians during their practice.
The two-day program will gather internationally renowned experts in the field of different neurological diseases and provide a forum for presenting and sharing ideas at academic, conceptual and clinical levels.
This congress is also a great opportunity to meet and network with colleagues, both regional and international while expanding existing connections or creating new ones, and finding opportunities for future collaboration in common areas of interest. More than 400 healthcare professionals are expected to come from the Middle East and GCC region. This should bring together international and local expertise to neurology, and help promote better practice in the Gulf region.