About Annual Congress on Psychiatric & Mental Health Nursing

Psychiatric Nursing conferences provide a unique forum to bring together worldwide specialists and experts in the field of Psychology, Psychiatrists, Scholars, Scientists, Clinical Nurse Specialists to exchange their views about the art research and technologies.

Aim of this Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing 2018 conference is to bring out many new ideas for the treatment that will be beneficial across the spectrum of Brain disorders.

With the Annual Congress on Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, we will expect the expert gathering from Universe so that new idea or new research will come with discussion at the conference and it will be useful for the people who are suffering from mental illness and the prevention of mental disorders.

For More Info visit event links:

Website of Annual Congress on Psychiatric & Mental Health Nursing Twitter handle ofAnnual Congress on Psychiatric & Mental Health Nursing

Organized By


City of Annual Congress on Psychiatric & Mental Health Nursing
Paris, France
Event Photos