Health 2.0
Health 2.0 promotes, showcases and catalyzes new technologies in health care. Through a worldwide series of conferences, code-a-thons, and prize challenges, we bring together the best minds, resources and technology for compelling panels, discussions and product demonstrations, and more.
Health 2.0 is also the leading market intelligence on new health technology companies. In addition to our flagship event held in Santa Clara each Fall, we also host HxRefactored, a Spring event for developers and designers in the health care space, WinterTech, a one-day conference in San Francisco which focuses on the health tech investment scene, and multiple international conferences including India, Europe, Japan and China.
Health 2.0 is also the leading market intelligence on new health technology companies. In addition to our flagship event held in Santa Clara each Fall, we also host HxRefactored, a Spring event for developers and designers in the health care space, WinterTech, a one-day conference in San Francisco which focuses on the health tech investment scene, and multiple international conferences including India, Europe, Japan and China.