About Workshop NeuroIntensiveMedicine ANIM 2019
The treatment of neuromedical emergencies is relatively high in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The greatest progress has been made in acute stroke; With 307 certified stroke units, the supply situation in Germany even stands out internationally.
The interdisciplinary neurovascular centers and networks complement this nationwide structure and strengthen the cooperation between the partner subjects of neurology, neurosurgery and neuroradiology. But there are also new questions.
Do “interdisciplinary emergency medical outpatient clinics”, “integrated emergency centers” or independent central emergency departments in hospitals endanger or promote what has been achieved? Is preclinical decision-making sufficiently good to separate patients with non-acute threatening illnesses from those with time-critical conditions or to bring patients with a polytrauma, an acute coronary syndrome or a stroke on the individual optimal route in the hospital without loss of time? How do we solve the increasing problem of “self-presenting pedestrians”? These health policy issues will be addressed in the presidential symposium of ANIM 2019, as well as in several symposia.
Each year is dedicated to the ANIM – the A rbeitstagung N € I ntensiv Medizin – but above all our scientific advances and the further education of all occupational groups working in neurointensive medicine.
As the President of the 36th Joint Annual Meeting of the German Society for Neuro-intensive and Emergency Medicine (DGNI) and the German Stroke Society (DSG), I would like to invite you to Berlin from 17 to 19 January 2019.
Here again we would like to present and discuss comprehensive clinical studies. Other key topics will be the pre- and post-hospital phase of stroke treatment, but also subarachnoid haemorrhage and neuroinfectiology.
Last but not least, we would also like to address concepts of training and promotion of young talent.